The Ultimate Fat Loss Hack By Phix A Matured Bitter Hops Extract
The All-Natural Activator That Burns Fat, Balances Your Body, and Transforms Lives – No Lifestyle Changes Required!
We have discovered something that is more than just a product which will be explained below. And, it is not conjecture, it is reality in what it is already doing for thousands of people. From rapid fat loss (visceral fat...the bad kind) to reducing or eliminating inflammation, to helping people reduce or get off insulin from diabetes, to getting better sleep, better digestion and the list goes on...
It's an Activator not a Supplement - AND, it has only two ingredients, Water and Matured Bitter Hops Extract from the Hop flower! That's it! It's odorless, tasteless, colorless and non-addictive with NO side effects. It is also Non-GMO.
This little plant extract is NOT a supplement. It’s an ACTIVATOR here’s the differences. Supplements will support your body and health if you’re deficient in vitamins or minerals that fill in gaps in your nutrition.
ACTIVATORS - A plant extract, like matured hops extract, works a bit differently. Rather than just filling a deficiency, it acts as an activator.
This means it triggers or enhances natural processes in the body. For example, it might stimulate enzymes, hormones, or other biological functions to work more efficiently or kickstart processes that may be sluggish.
Instead of replacing something you’re missing, it’s more about encouraging your body to do what it’s already designed to do, but better.
As we age because of what we do in our lives things in our bodies don’t always work as well as they used to...i.e. weight gain, decreasing health, illness and disease…
So, while traditional supplements “supplement” deficiencies, activators help optimize or awaken existing pathways in your body. This helps put and keep your body in "Homeostasis"...perfect balance.
Key Points About Phix:
• This is a natural product with no known side effects, other than feeling amazing!
• It activates thermogenesis, digestive enzyme production and vagus nerve activity in the body, which will in turn have many different positive effects, especially over time.
• You will see a lot of people sharing their personal results, many of which share some commonalities, but please remember, this will look different for everyone.
• Most people experience significant changes in their first month, while some take upwards of 3-4 months... the patience is worth it.
The person who introduced this to me is a Doctor and he has lost 10 pounds, 2 pounds of VISCERAL fat, 3 inches from his waist in 2 weeks. He is having better and deeper sleep, and his lower back pain is GONE! He has much more energy, and less brain fog every morning!!!
It’s 1 Simple Snap Into ANY Drink You Love – Water, Coffee, Tea, Juice, Alcohol, Wine, Shakes, and More!
It works for 9 hours, it’s tasteless, odorless, and also has incredibly positive health benefits that have been studied including:
• Anti-Inflammatory
• Antimicrobial
• Antioxidant
• Better Sleep
• Cognition
• Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
• Phytoestrogens (Menopause)
• Weight Loss
• Supports the body's natural functions
• Regulates Hormones
• Improves Metabolic Health
• Reduces stress by balancing Cortisol
• Stimulates the Vagus Nerve
• Curbs cravings, no more binging...
• Improves Gut Microbiome / Gut Brain Axis
• And many other health benefits...
…and NO changes to your Lifestyle are necessary!!! DID YOU HEAR THAT LAST PART? Most people in their first month don't change their diet or exercise consistently. They want to make sure the only change in their life is the addition of this all-natural extract, before they share it with anyone!!
1 snap into your drink and hours of burning fat! Only 6 months on the market, hundreds of naturopaths are using this now for themselves, their patients, and it’s about to disrupt the industry!
We are excited for you to try this and have your own testimony to share!
Cheers to your health!
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