Ketogenic Diet Healed Her Conditions but She Stopped During Pregnancy — Here’s Why She Regrets It!

Ketogenic Diet Healed Her Conditions but She Stopped During Pregnancy — Here’s Why She Regrets It!

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Ellie shares her story of how she's healed from panic attacks, life-long constipation, obesity, and brain fog to be able to get pregnant and become a mom. She said her life went from a dark pit to a light, and find trust in God's plan.

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V I D E O S    T O    W A T C H    N E X T :

00:00 Struggling with panic attacks and gut health problems
07:06 Found hope for healing
10:51 Against all odds —Becoming a mom
18:53 Journey of raising healthy kids
25:34 Faith matters
28:11 Message

Follow Ellie here: @NourishmentRedacted

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#hope&healing #reversible #inspiringstories #panicattacks #mentalhealth

✅ DISCLAIMER: The content provided on this channel is intended solely for educational purposes. While our videos offer valuable insights, they should not be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute for professional medical advice. Everyone's health journey and individual circumstances are unique; therefore, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for any concerns. We recommend seeking personalized advice from your doctor or healthcare provider.

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