Healthy Eating Plate

Healthy Eating Plate

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No single food can provide all the nutrients that your body needs. That is why you need to eat a wide variety of foods in the right amounts to meet your daily nutritional needs. But eating healthier, balanced meals does not have to be complicated. The Healthy Eating Plate summarizes the best evidence-based dietary information available today. As nutrition researchers are continually discovering valuable information on the Healthy Eating Plate, created by the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, as your guides for choosing a healthy diet and balanced meals—whether served at the table or packed in a lunch box.
To get started, here is the Healthy Eating Plate.

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👉 1- Half Plate of Vegetables and Fruits (50%)
👉 2- Quarter Plate Of Whole Grains (25%)
👉 3- Quarter Plate Of Protein (25%)
👉 4- Healthy Plant Oils
👉 5- Drink Water, Coffee, or Tea
👉 6- Stay Active

👉 1- Half Plate of Vegetables and Fruits (50%).
Aim for color and variety, and remember that potatoes don’t count as vegetables on the Healthy Eating Plate because of their negative impact on blood sugar.
👉 2- Quarter Plate Of Whole Grains (25%).Whole and intact grains—whole wheat, barley, wheat berries, quinoa, oats, brown rice, and foods made with them, such as whole wheat pasta—have a milder effect on blood sugar and insulin than white bread, white rice, and other refined grains.
👉 3- Quarter Plate Of Protein (25%). Fish, poultry, beans, and nuts are all healthy, versatile protein sources—they can be mixed into salads, and pair well with vegetables on a plate. Limit red meat, and avoid processed meats such as bacon and sausage.

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