5 Healthy Habits For Your Digestive System

5 Healthy Habits For Your Digestive System

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Publish Date:
28 June, 2024
Digestive Health
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Do you often suffer from an upset stomach? So your body is warning you that something is not right.

You probably are not taking care of your digestive system enough.

But, do not be alarmed, this situation is reversible if you adopt the following healthy habits to take care of the digestive apparatus.

1. Eat fiber.

Consumption of fiber is essential for your digestive system to function properly.

This nutrient helps eliminate waste from the body, lowers cholesterol levels, nourishes the healthy bacteria in our body and reduces the chances of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and developing colon cancer.

The main sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans.

2. Consume fish.

The omega-3 fish is very beneficial to the digestive system.

Thus, the anti-inflammatory properties of this fatty acid help prevent many digestive problems.

For this reason, try to eat 3 to 5 servings of fish such as salmon, tuna or sardines per week.

Keep in mind that you can also find omega-3 in nuts, flax seeds, and soy.

3. Eliminate junk food.

Junk food, besides being a caloric bomb is very difficult to digest.

For this reason, it causes the digestive system to strain unnecessarily.

Now that you know this reality, consider your body; Choose foods that are more friendly and easy to process, such as organic products.

4. Eat well.

Spend time eating, do not just swallow food.

Digestion begins in the mouth; For this reason, it is important that you chew well everything you introduce into it.

Only then, the enzymes in your saliva will break down carbohydrates.

On the other hand, make sure you do not eat in large quantities; Especially when you are going to bed.

5. Hydrate.

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee or soft drinks, often irritate the stomach and harm your health.

Therefore, seek to reduce its consumption and, instead, drink water. Take it in large quantities; This will prevent you from having problems of constipation and will facilitate the digestive process.

Incorporate these healthy habits into your life. These are simple changes that will improve your quality of life. Do not waste time, your body will thank you.



