5 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle, so you can live longer

5 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle, so you can live longer

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Publish Date:
2 November, 2022
Healthy Living Tips
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5 tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Committing to healthy behaviors is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give to yourself as well as to those around you. Forming healthy habits is hard maintaining them. Maybe even harder. We all want to be, the very best versions of ourselves that we can be, but it isn't easy. Number one, get your exercise. The closest thing to a fountain of youth that we can find is probably regular exercise. The National Cancer Institute states that regular exercise lowers our risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease as well as helps us keep strong bones, muscles and joints. Many fitness experts advise 30 minutes of activity, 5 to 6 days a week with one day off your body to rest and recover. Even a short brisk walk of 30 minutes can have a dramatic positive impact on your health and lengthen your life. The most important thing is to pick an enjoyable form of exercise rather than a strenuous one.

Number two, let the sunshine in, spending some time outside increases vitamin D levels, which is excellent for your bones, heart and mood. Even a short brisk walk of 30 minutes can have a dramatic positive impact on your health and lengthen your life. The most important thing is to pick an enjoyable form of exercise rather than a strenuous one. Additionally, outside increases your likelihood of moving your body rather than keeping it parked in front of the tv or computer if you can choose the outdoors or the city streets. Natural light is the primary component affecting our circadian rhythms.

Number three, avoid negative people in your life. One of the problems that happen when you are around a person with negative energy is that you can easily give that person permission to steal your joy or otherwise negatively impact your state of mind, decide to hold on to yourself and your power and refuse to let the negative person own. You researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. It includes lower levels of distress and pain, greater resistance to illnesses, better psychological and physical well being, better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Number four socializing. Humans are wired for social contact. It's not about how many facebook friends you have. What matters is a real sense of connection. People who have that with even just a few close friends are happier and more productive. It includes lower levels of distress and pain, greater resistance to illnesses, better psychological and physical well being.

Number five head outdoors, studies have shown that taking time away from the job can have physical and mental health benefits people who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life and more motivation to achieve goals. Many who return from vacation are more focused and productive. Studies have found that chronic stress can make it difficult to achieve certain tasks and cause memory problems. Taking time off can be like getting a tune up for the brain, improving your mental health and cognition, so you can live longer.

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