Don't Be Fooled EVER Again: Debunking Fitness Myths

Don't Be Fooled EVER Again: Debunking Fitness Myths

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Publish Date:
17 August, 2023
Health and Fitness
Video License
Standard License
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In this episode we discuss one foundational concept for fitness which is the 9 physical adaptations that you can get while doing exercise.

It is critical to understand them because it will allow you to debunk most of today's fitness myths that we're still carrying from the gold era of resistance training and bodybuilding.

Also, if you understand under which circumstances you get these physical adaptations you will be able to curate your own exercise regime to your liking, depending on your goals.

If you want muscle hypertrophy, you will prioritize volume, high reps and lower rest times. Instead, if you want power you will prioritize intensity, a few heavy lifts and explosive movements, with higher rest times. You want better cardio? You will probably want to go for a slow steady state zone 2 cardio run.

In the future I will explain each of these adaptations more in depth, but for now the goal is to just understand that there are 9 and have a broad overview.

Hoping that this will be useful to you guys!

Side note, I had a problem exporting the videos so the colours are quite messed up! Still learning!

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:54 Skill
00:01:54 Speed
00:02:14 Strength
00:02:44 Muscle Endurance
00:03:15 Power
00:05:03 Muscle Hypertrophy
00:05:30 Anaerobic Capacity
00:06:00 Aerobic Capacity
00:06:20 Long Distance
00:06:37 Choose Yours
00:08:38 Outro