Can Diabetic Nerve Pain Go Away?

Can Diabetic Nerve Pain Go Away?

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Publish Date:
16 August, 2022
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Can Diabetic Nerve Pain Go Away?

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Diabetic nerve pain is a condition doctors call "diabetic neuropathy." Basically it's nerve damage which causes numbness in various parts of your body, most often in your legs and feet. But it can also cause problems with your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and heart.

The nerve damage caused by diabetic neuropathy is irreversible, so in a sense, you can't ever make it "go away" for good. But through tight blood sugar control and a healthy lifestyle, it's possible to slow its progress and prevent further harm while lessening symptoms.

It's important for anyone who has been diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy to check their blood sugar to make sure it consistently stays within target range. This can be done with an at-home blood sugar monitor. Such self-checks should be done on a regular schedule.

It's also important to have a comprehensive foot exam at least once a year. If you've already been diagnosed with diabetes, your doctors will routinely check your feet during each office visit. But it's a good idea to do routine self-checks at home. Any sign of swelling, or sores that don't heal, should be reported to your doctor right away. Even small sores can quickly turn into severe infections if left untreated.

The purpose of this video has been to provide quick, basic answers to the question, "Can diabetic nerve pain go away?"
