Don’t believe these popular arthritis myths! ❌

Don’t believe these popular arthritis myths! ❌

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Publish Date:
30 June, 2024
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And the fact that they are myths is actually good news ✅

Lets talk about it:

1️⃣ Joints considered to be “bone on bone” may not always need surgery because some people can manage and even improve symptoms effectively with conservative treatments exercise, food, sleep quality and other lifestyle factors.

Everyone’s experience will be different. Some may not even experience pain at all! Just because your joint shows up as “bone on bone” on an xray doesn’t automatically mean you need surgery- there is so much more to consider.

Please remember: there can absolutely be a time and a place for surgery especially as conservative measures aren’t always 100% effective ⚠️

2️⃣ Osteoarthritis progression varies among individuals, and some people may experience periods of improvement or stability- it doesn’t ALWAYS get worse ☝🏽

Many people I talk to are led to believe that osteoarthritis spreads like an infection, but actually one of the main reasons it can move to other joints is when your muscles become weakened, joints not as mobile and you start changing the way you move. Compensations play a big role in other joints becoming painful 🦵🏽

It can be possible to feel stronger and continue to do the activities you enjoy. I will warn you- it does take work to get there and again, it’s not always 100% effective but if you could prevent your condition from getting worse, wouldn’t you say it’s worth a try?? 👀

Want to know more about how to prevent osteoarthritis from getting worse and to help your bone on bone joints find relief⁉️

Start with the FREE 3 Day Walking Workout Challenge by clicking the link in my profile. This will help to build foundational strength and show you how you can move in ways that actually FEEL GOOD ✅

#osteoarthritis #arthritis #arthritispain #arthritisrelief #kneearthritis #hiparthritis #kneepain #hippain #backarthritis #spinearthritis #shoulderarthritis #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy

Not medical advice.

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