Upper Body Stretches - to Release stiffness From Neck, Shoulders and Back

Upper Body Stretches - to Release stiffness From Neck, Shoulders and Back

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Publish Date:
8 January, 2024
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Gift yourself an opportunity to feel good with a new 11 minute gentle upper body stretches. This short session is a wonderful way to increase mobility, release stiffness out from the muscles and remove tiredness away.

By including Upper Body Stretch into daily routine you are adding the feeling of lightness into your life, at the same time improving general feeling of the body. The selection of poses and moves that is given in this session is supposed to stretch muscles step by step, starting with neck, moving down to shoulders, chest and arms, slowly continuing to back muscles.

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⬇️ Read the instructions to the exercises below:

1. Head Rolls

Begin with your head straight and looking forward. Gently tilt your head to the right and start rolling it back. Keep rolling your head to the left and then down. After that repeat in the opposite direction.

2. Chest Opener

Sitting on your knees interlace your fingers behind your back, slowly reach to the ground with the back of your hands as far as you feel comfortable.

3. Child’s Pose with Deep Shoulder Stretch

Spread your knees as wide as your mat, keeping the tops of your feet on the floor. Bring your belly to rest between your thighs and root your forehead to the floor, while lifting your interlaced hands behind you back as far as you comfortably can.

4. Side Reaches to Interlaced Hands Raise

Slowly transition to seated position, then gently bend to one side, reaching after your arm, return back to starting position. Interlace your hands and raise them all the way up, above your head. Change the sides.

5. Backward Facing Wrist Stretch

Place your hands out in front of you, rotating your wrists around so that your fingers are facing your knees. Keeping your palms flat on the ground, shift your body back toward your heels, then forward toward your hands.

6. Left Arm Circles: 4 Backward + 4 Forward

Starting in all-fours position draw your left arm aside, then slowly, with control continue drawing a big circle. Make 4 backward circles, then change the direction and draw 4 circles forward.

7. Right Arm Circles: 4 Backward + 4 Forward

Change the sides.

8. Child’s Pose to Upward Facing Dog

Bring your belly to rest between your thighs or ON your thighs and rest your forehead on the floor. On an exhale, press the tops of the feet into the floor and lift the head, chest, abdomen, hips, thighs and knees of the floor until you are balancing on your feet and hands with the arms straight.

9. Puppy Pose

From all fours position make sure that your shoulders are above your wrists and your hips are above your knees. Walk your hands forward and begin lowering your chest down toward the ground.

10. Double Tricep Stretch

From puppy pose slowly flex your arms bringing your hands together in Prayer to stretch your lats and open up your shoulders. Breathe in and out during this pose.

11. Camel Pose

Come to your knees, with your legs hip-width apart. Keep your hips over your knees and squeeze your thighs toward each other. Shrug your shoulders up to your ears and then release them down your back as you hug your shoulder blades together towards your spine to open your heart.

12. Bow Pose

Lie on your belly on your mat, press all of your toes into the floor and then bend your knees, keeping the toes active. Grab the outer edges of your ankles with your hands and flex your feet strongly. On an inhalation, lift your rib cage and shoulders toward your ears, then lengthen your tailbone and kick your legs back into your hands as you hold on firmly.

13. Lying Left Shoulder Stretch

14. Lying Right Shoulder Stretch

Change the sides.

0:00 Start
0:05 Head Rolls
0:54 Chest Opener
1:43 Child’s Pose with Deep Shoulder Stretch
2:32 Side Reaches to Interlaced Hands Raise
3:20 Backward Facing Wrist Stretch
4:08 Left Arm Circles: 4 Backward + 4 Forward
4:55 Right Arm Circles: 4 Backward + 4 Forward
5:46 Child’s Pose to Upward Facing Dog
6:34 Puppy Pose
7:21 Double Tricep Stretch
8:14 Camel Pose
9:01 Bow Pose
9:45 Lying Left Shoulder Stretch
10:38 Lying Right Shoulder Stretch
11:15 End

‼️ DISCLAIMER: You should consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing injuries or physical conditions. The information may not be regarded as medical advice, you should always consult health professionals on any matter relating your health. I will not be held responsible for any injuries or accidents that occur while watching my workout or stretching videos.