Best Yoga Postures for Easing Back Pain. Beginners Yoga with Gail P-B.

Best Yoga Postures for Easing Back Pain. Beginners Yoga with Gail P-B.

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#bestyogaposes #beginnersyoga #easebackpain #yogawithgaileee #backpain
Gentle Yoga Class for back challenges, pain, stiffness
Flow of the class today!

00:00 Introduction & Welcome
02:04 Transition to floor, chair, couch, bed yoga
03:31 Breathing practice
04:41 Knee to Chest & Extension Postures
10:33 Wind Wipers, or half Butterfly Posture
13:38 Big Toe Hold with Yoga Strap, Bone Building
19:03 Rolling Bridge with a Block
21:28 Circle Knees to Chest or shoulder circles seated on chair
22:34 Piriformis awakening with Pigeon
28:30 Half Butterflies, wind wipers
29:49 Block Bridge Posture
32:46 Notice Posture
34:00 Transition to seated and engage in unsupported twists
35:45 Shoulder Rolls with Arm Tapping
37:44 Seated lateral flexion
40:04 Flowy Cat/Cow
41:54 Transition to standing
42:21 Gather Breath
42:47 Warrior Two
47:15 Seated or standing Air Posture
48:17 Standing Oppositional Reach - spinal balance
49:53 Tree Pose
52:14 Transition to floor/chair and notice posture
53:11 Guided Rest & Relaxation
58:00 Seated Tai Chi Ending movements
59:00 Gratitude Practice
60:00 Thank you for coming to class.

Back Yoga Playlist

**I understand that the Online Yoga virtual program involves physical activity which carries with it certain inherent risks. As a participant, I agree to assume all risk associated with this program and fully waive and release the Gail Pickens-Barger, its administrators, representatives and executors, past and present representatives and successors, and other persons from any and all claims, liability, or causes of action arising out of injury to me while participating. In addition, I take full responsibility for consulting a physician. I attest that, if I am pregnant, disabled in any way, or have recently suffered an illness, injury, or impairment, I should have or did consult a physician prior to participating in the Online Yoga Physical Activity Program.

Gail Pickens-Barger is an Ambassador for the Veteran Yoga Project, an instructor for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, a Certified Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care Yoga Instructor, and a retired computer scientist living in South East Texas.

* Yoga Vista Academy Listing:
* Veterans Yoga Project Online Classes:
* Yoga Alliance Listing: