A Healthy Diet: What To Choose & When To Eat It

A Healthy Diet: What To Choose & When To Eat It

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Publish Date:
8 December, 2022
Healthy Eating
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In terms of a healthy diet, many of us have a handle on what we should be eating, but another important yet often overlooked component is when we should be eating. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and his wife Tana discuss strategies for an eating schedule that can make a major positive impact in your overall health.

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Tana Amen, BSN, RN. is a New York Times best-selling author, Nurse, highly respected health and fitness expert, speaker, and media guest. She offers information, guidance, and support to hundreds of thousands of Amen followers who seek to dramatically change their health and their lives by changing the way they eat, exercise, and think.

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A Healthy Diet: What To Choose & When To Eat It