5 foods that help increase milk supply when breastfeeding

5 foods that help increase milk supply when breastfeeding

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Publish Date:
23 November, 2023
Healthy Eating
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Nutrition in Breastfeeding?
The key is making sure you eat enough, not dehydrated and having a nutrient rich diet - these three factors are crucial in helping the body produce milk!

1. Water - there is a reason you are extra thirsty in the early days of postpartum, your body is now losing extra fluids via the breastmilk, so make sure you stay hydrated!

2. Oats and other quality whole grains provide energy and carbohydrates. There is a lots of anecdotal evidence that oats increase milk supply - possible an easy way to increase energy and is often paired with protein and fats in a meal making it well balanced! Overnight oats are a great option for breastfeeding!

3. Hemp seeds, along with other seeds (and nuts) are a great way to boost your energy needs in the postpartum period. I love hemp seeds because 30 g serve provides 10g protein and 16g of good fats.

4. Fenugreek - there have been some studies to show the potential of fenugreek increasing milk supply. Fenugreek seeds can be used in curries and Indian dishes, and I would personally opt for food first approach with this one rather than a supplement

5. Fennel - fennel is said to be similar to fenugreek by working to assist the hormonal response in the body stimulating milk production. Again limited research but an easy one to make a salad with or to use in cooking!

Food is only one aspect, so always good to check in with a lactation consultation if you are having low milk supply/ having issues with breastfeeding. Engage with a dietitian in your postpartum period can ensure your nutrition is spot on for the physical and mental demands of breastfeeding 🤱🏻

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