‘Health code cleansing’ tips and tricks in China are thriving

‘Health code cleansing’ tips and tricks in China are thriving

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Publish Date:
6 November, 2022
Health Hacks
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‎ The pandemic continues to spread throughout China. To control it more closely, officials have launched many health code apps. Among them, the most strict is the “Beijing Health Care App.” The app is a pandemic prevention application launched by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Its “pop-up” function has won the China Scientific Research Prize twice.

The app pop-up function (a notification window shown on people’s phones) must be removed to allow its owner to go to public places. Following the adoption of the app by many cities, Chinese people have begun to establish “code caring” and “code cleansing” strategies, and even a unique “health code caring industry” has arisen.

According to RFA, many Beijing residents have recently had their “pop-up” experience. Once a notification appears on their phones, their travel is canceled for five to seven days. Therefore, on the internet, there are terms such as “code caring” and “code cleansing”… to find a way to keep the health code in a “green code” state, so they can go in and out of public places.
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