Wuji Gong Form | Stan Pannone, Emei Qigong Master

Wuji Gong Form | Stan Pannone, Emei Qigong Master

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Publish Date:
29 August, 2024
Health and Fitness
Video License
Standard License
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https://emeiqigongharmony.com/qigong-energy-for-balance-and-harmony/ - Wuji Gong Form | Stan Pannone, Emei Qigong Master

Wuji Gong Form for many practitioners is part of a daily qigong routine. It consists of the highest practices from both moving and still Qigong. It embodies the natural law of universal movement and vibration. It consists of three parts.

This video demonstrates and teaches the first part of Emei Qigong’s flagship form, Wuji Gong. This first part is called Self-Vibration or Chaos.

Self-Vibration activates the static Qi in your stomach and your central channel and allows Qi to flow throughout your body. Its healing vibration begins changing the current patterns in your body for a healthier more systematic pattern of health. Your Qi is now in an active state.

Learning this section of the form will build the foundation to experience the entire form. We have weekly classes, videos, and training available to take the next step. 

Stan Pannone, Emei Qigong Master
Visit my website for more information at:

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