Plants Saved My Life - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes & Eased My Severe Diabetic Neuropathy Pain

Plants Saved My Life - How I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes & Eased My Severe Diabetic Neuropathy Pain

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Welcome to my channel. 🦋 I think we’ve lost sight of where our food should come from. This is the story of how switching to a whole food plant based nutritional ‘diet’ not only changed my life, but saved it.

I take you along my journey from discovering I had Type 2 Diabetes & Peripheral Neuropathy to actually reversing my diabetes, or as I say ‘slamming it into remission’ without the use of medication.

It wasn’t an easy trip and in fact was one of the most painful things I have ever had to face and overcome.

I do not consider WFPB a ‘diet’ because after everything I have been through, it IS a lifestyle. A better way of life and it is rewarding way to eat to live each and every single day. How can you go wrong with a healthy daily checklist full of essential vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to thrive?! (Speaking of which, always be sure to get your daily dozen in!)

From being THE number one fan of bacon, pop and potato chips to discovering new grains, fruits, vegetables & herbs to delicious recipes and so much more!

It’s FREE, there’s absolutely no hidden fees, add-ons or secret pop-ups. Nary a price tag to be found, no tricks, no fancy potions, no pharmaceuticals, commercials and no small print. Just change the way you eat and look at your food. Enjoy it. You’d be surprised at how wonderful everything tastes. You really are what you eat so let nutrition do it’s job. BONUS - Eat as much as you want and no weight gain. No need to diet ever again as long as you ditch the junk food!

REALLY look at what you are consuming and what are those ingredients on the label? Big words but what do they mean? You’d be surprised most of the cancer and disease is coming right off of grocery store shelves. Foods full of preservatives and fillers that are so very dangerous to your health and well being. It can effect everything from your weight to your attitude. Even your pet’s food is full of garbage. Dogs with diabetes? Cats with cancer? Take a close look because it’s all right in front of you on a daily basis.

Take a hold of your own life. There is an answer and there is a pharmaceutical free treatment option. It’s time to eradicate autoimmune diseases!

I hope this tiny piece of my experience can help someone out there, perhaps even someone you know is suffering from some of these same symptoms, issues and problems. A lot of people now suffer from Crohn's Disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Heart Disease, Cancer, Thyroid Disease, IBS & other bowel & intestinal (stomach) complications, allergies, low iron, depression, chronic fatigue, chronic inflammation, Eczema, Restless Leg Syndrome, acne, infections and more. Even simple heartburn - acid reflux can be eliminated just by changing your eating habits with nutrient rich foods. This really could be how not to die, well maybe not that far but at least you may add some years to your life or someone else’s. PLEASE feel free to pass this video along to anyone it could be of use to. 💖

My Life Saving Links:
🦋 Mastering Diabetes:
🦋 Dr. Greger:
🦋 How Not To Die Cookbook full of recipes written by Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM, author of the New York Times bestselling book How Not to Die (100% of the proceeds Dr. Greger receives from all his books are donated to charity.)
🦋 HomeGrown Health and Wellness:
🦋 A dietary intervention for chronic diabetic neuropathy pain: a randomized controlled pilot study:!po=51.9231
🦋 Effectiveness of different benfotiamine dosage regimens in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy:
🦋 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy (PN):
🦋 Type 3 Diabetes controlled by benfotiamine:
🦋 Reversing Neuropathy in days with Benfotiamine :
🦋 Thiamine Deficiency and Diabetes:
🦋 Diabetes Forum UK:
🦋 Diabetic neuropathic cachexia: a case report:
🦋 Painful Peripheral Neuropathies:

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#diabeticdiet #autoimmunediet #diabetessymptoms