Fit with PHIT - How The Fitness Industry Can Prevent Chronic Diseases

Fit with PHIT - How The Fitness Industry Can Prevent Chronic Diseases

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Publish Date:
15 April, 2023
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How can American and Canadian families and individuals save on physical activity? This episode explains the efforts that are underway in the fitness industry to make fitness essential and how you can support them.

Mike Goscinski, VP of Government Affairs at IHRSA joins the podcast to explain The PHIT Act. He shares what health club owners and operators can do to support, plus how fitness enthusiasts can lend their voice.

The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act
Federal Legislation Incentivizing Physical Activity
The Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act will allow Americans to use pre-tax dollars—flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs)—to pay for health club memberships, fitness equipment, exercise videos, and youth sports leagues.

Sara Hodson, President of The Fitness Industry Council of Canada joins the podcast to share their aim to revise tax line 33099. They are trying to get fitness memberships eligible as a medical tax deduction under line 33099. Hodson explains the importance of a unified voice to get it in the budget.

Connect with IHRSA

Connect with the Fitness Industry Council of Canada

Connect with All Things Fitness and Wellness

#fitnessindustry #fitnesspodcast #taxsaving

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