Upper Back Pain or Neck Pain? Simple stretches for instant relief!

Upper Back Pain or Neck Pain? Simple stretches for instant relief!

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Publish Date:
27 June, 2024
Back and Neck Pain
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Upper back pain ? http://www.nicholekellerman.com/upper-back-pain-neck-pain/

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This week Upper Back & Neck pain, you got some of that? Well if you don't you may have some in the next couple of weeks so be sure to check out this video and write these simple stretches down!

Get PAIN FREE now!
Haha, just kidding...well, maybe not completely because unfortunately along with holidays come a ton of stress and even weight gain.

Did you know that the average American gains 5-7lbs? Crazy.

Well let me tell you you DO NOT have to fall victim to all the stress and possible weight gain, you don't!

Here is a little snip it from my 6 Week Women's Weight Loss Challenge on my thoughts about that...

WARNING - "Overly Passionate Nichole" speaking

The holidays are here and I have to tell you how sad it makes me feel

when women just raise their hands in surrender and say "It's the holidays,

I gain weight and there isn't anything I can do about it!"

You know what I say to that right?!?!.....SCREW THAT! I want you

to know right now, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GAIN WEIGHT


You DON'T, and once you commit that to yourself you access this

incredible amount of power! If you sign up for this challenge by

December 13th you will be able to attend this bonus strategy call

so you won't have to worry about gaining those extra 5lbs

most Americans do during the holidays.Plus tips on how to

start losing weight NOW.

Could you imagine starting off 2012 in better shape than

you are now? It IS possible, sign up and I'll show you how!

I know, it's a little much, but it's just because I am so passionate and want you to know that you don't have to live in a body you aren't happy with.

For so many years I did just that and now that I have freed myself fromthat way of thinking and all those extra pounds I just

feel incredible! I had no idea this level of happiness was even possible and I just want that for you. I really do.

OKAY-enough with the rambling, on to our next video in our "Pain Free" series.

This week Upper Back & Neck pain, you got some of that? Well if you don't you may have some in the next couple of weeks so be sure to check out this video and write these simple stretches down!

Get PAIN FREE now!

These exercises are SUPER simple but extremely effective, check them out and be sure to forward this to a friend. You KNOW they have some neck pain or upper back pain...it's almost impossible not to in our "technology based" society.

Thanks for sharing in advance!

P.S. Check out this 6 Week Women's Weight Loss Challenge, the transformations are going to be out of this world....and you should be one of them!

upper back pain, upper back pain in pregnancy, back hurts, pulled back muscle, strained back, stiff back, back health exercises, nick pain, pregnancy and upper back pain

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