Neck Pain and Upper Back Tension Chiropractic Adjustment - The Source Chiropractic

Neck Pain and Upper Back Tension Chiropractic Adjustment - The Source Chiropractic

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At The Source Chiropractic we use a unique full body approach to check and analyze the spine.

Looking through the lens of biotensegrity, we know that a rotational dysfunction of the upper neck doesn't just affect the upper neck...

it will alter the entire spine.

Here Dr. Jordan Fairley of The Source Chiropractic Oakland location shows how an upper cervical dysfunction has led to a decrease in mid thoracic extension, and rotation in the pelvis

These chiropractic adjustments not only help low back pain, upper back pain and neck pain, but also help her body integrate and heal.

The Source Chiropractic has multiple location with even more opening soon.

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