Brown Noise For Focus In Working, Black Screen, NOISE BLOCKER for Reduce Stress and Focus Attention

Brown Noise For Focus In Working, Black Screen, NOISE BLOCKER for Reduce Stress and Focus Attention

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Is it a recent trend? We all have been suffering from the lack of sleep and those who are not getting enough sleep start experiencing high levels of stress. Stress is a new epidemic these days with the increase in work pressure and end-of-year exams. In order to reduce stress, people are trying to find ways to relax themselves and this is where Brown noise comes into

Brown Noise is a type of sound that is designed to block out unwanted external noises like traffic noise or a loud neighbor. The best way to experience Brown Noise is when you are in a sound-proof room. In this video, I'm going to play a brown noise machine and show you how to use it for focus classes.

⬛ Brown noise is a color that is not usually found in nature. Brown noise is derived from a process called Brownian motion, and it is often used as a form of white noise to help people sleep.

⬛ Brown noise sounds like a waterfall or rain. Great for sleep, insomnia, relaxation, tinnitus relief and concentration.

© Sound and image copyright belongs to BROWN
© Music copyright owned by BROWN
© Image and video copyright is licensed by Storyblock
• Recording device: Zoom F4

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