how i got rid of my ACNE on BUDGET| minimal skin care routine

how i got rid of my ACNE on BUDGET| minimal skin care routine

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Publish Date:
2 February, 2023
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yes, that was my skin. yes, i am healing it. yes, it is possible. this is a straight on point skin care routine with products which are very affordable, even for broke teenagers.

products mentioned:

- For normal/oily skin: Acne Derma Face Wash - Rs. 180- Rs.190
- For normal/oily/dry/sensitive skin: Moduseb Face Wash - Rs.
450 - Rs. 490
๐Ÿ’–Benzoyl Peroxide of any company with strength 2.5% - Rs. 130 -
Rs. 150
- New Look Moisturizer - Rs. 200 - Rs. 250
- Castor Oil - Rs. 180
- Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream - around Rs. 500
- Nutiva Hemp Oil (not available in nepal, can be preordered) - $6
for 8 oz (VERY CHEAP!)

So the lecture session is happening this saturday, at Secret Island, Kalopul, Kathmandu, where i share everything that i know about SKINCARE from the past EIGHT YEARS. do come. Rs. 350/- you can afford it. trust me you'll learn so much!

i feel you if you are suffering from acne. no matter how much we try to ignore it, it just doesn't seem possible. yes i too cried under my blanket at night. but trust me, it will be healed...or at least controlled.

this is just the skin care part. the lifestyle changes that need to be made is yet to be discussed. DO NOT FORGET to watch my next video, coming wednesday,.. Love you beautiful person โค๐Ÿ˜ญ