Traditional medicine vs modern medicine @basiccures chinese medicine tradisional medicine

Traditional medicine vs modern medicine @basiccures chinese medicine tradisional medicine

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This is about traditional medicine vs modern medicine In line with the times and technology that continues to develop, everyone of course needs what they want quickly and immediately. Take drugs for example.

#alternativemedicine #herbalmedicine #traditionalchinesemedicine,

The types of drugs may be different, but we know that drugs are divided into two, namely herbal medicines and chemical drugs. these two drugs have the same medicinal purpose, but there is one difference between them. the difference between herbal medicine and chemical medicine.

Chemical drugs are medicines that contain a mixture of chemicals that are not synthesized in the body. Like drugs in pharmacies.
The characteristics of chemical drugs:
It is palliative, that is. they cure ailments, but when the drug settles, it becomes a dangerous poison.
It is symptomatic, meaning that this medicine is only for this disease and only relieves the symptoms.
Made by pressing and of course mixed with other chemicals.
The healing reaction is fast, but with continuous consumption there is a risk of weakening the other organs of the body at any time.
treating only acute illness.
Contains side effects that irritate the stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.

Herbal medicine is medicine that has been processed for generations by our ancestors with natural ingredients without a mixture of chemicals.

Medicinal Benefits of Herbs:
It does not treat one symptom of the disease, but heals other organs of the body and gets to the roots.
Made from natural ingredients without a mixture of chemicals and non-toxic. For example herbs.
It heals, which means it really heals.
There are no side effects when made from medicinal plants.
Prepared from spices or natural ingredients with apparently extraordinary properties.
Slow but constructive feedback.
Only for prevention, recovery and treatment of diseases that require long treatment.

related tags:

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