The Truth About Chinese Herbal Medicine 🌿

The Truth About Chinese Herbal Medicine 🌿

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The truth about Chinese Herbal Medicine is that creating medicinal formulas at home can be extremely time consuming, and herbal pharmacies might not be accessible to everyone.

Traditionally, herbs are boiled down in an ancient process called decoction, which extracts nutrients from plants by boiling them in water. This is the oldest, cleanest, and most natural way to derive bioavailable phytonutrients, but it can also take multiple hours depending on the herbs you are using. That’s why we do the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on ✨healing✨

Visit to discover your own personalized blend of herbs and adaptogens that are delivered directly to your door to help you heal your hormones and support your overall menstrual health! #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #holistichealth