How I Have Money For Everything I Need On a Low Income| 4 HUGE TIPS
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My Favorite Planner for 2022
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I Have a New P.O Box again if you want to drop me a line
Dawn Hunt
2177 Buckingham Road
Richardson, TX 75081
Please email me at [email protected]
My daily Short videos will be about saving money, making money, personal growth, goal setting, weight loss, health, cooking baking , shopping, meal plans, organizing, cleaning, and more.
Monday: Money Making Monday ,Gotta Minute series: Weekly tip in one minute, Budgeting series such as Budget Boot Camp. Tighwad Gazette
Tuesday: Frugal Cooking Videos, grocery hacks
Wednesday: Misc, chats, health, weight loss.mental health, etc
Thursday: Budgeting/saving money
Friday: Free and Frugal Friday , grocery hauls and product reviews
Saturday: Simple Organization, cleaning, and requested videos
Sunday: Budgeting /saving money
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