Carmen Dell'Orefice: I'm 91 but I look 59. My Secrets of Health, Sex and Longevity. Anti aging Foods

Carmen Dell'Orefice: I'm 91 but I look 59. My Secrets of Health, Sex and Longevity. Anti aging Foods

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Meet Carmen Dell’Orefice, the world's oldest model, who exudes a timeless grace that has captivated the fashion world for over 76 years. In this video, she spills the beans on her [five] secrets of her youthfulness, including her skincare routine, morning rituals, diet, and exercise. And, let's not forget, she'll also give you a peek into her love and S life (what we will call an “intimate life”). So, get ready to be inspired and stay tuned until the very end for the juicy details.

0:00 Start
1:31 Carmen Dell'Orefice Skincare Routine
3:11 Carmen Dell'Orefice Diet Routine
4:22 Carmen Dell'Orefice Daily Exercise Routine
6:35 Carmen Dell'Orefice Breathing Exercise
7:56 Carmen Dell'Orefice view on good love life

►Disclaimer: Healthy Long Life does not provide medical advice and the information provided throughout our videos, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other materials, are entirely intended for informational purposes. The content of Healthy Long Life's videos is not intended to replace the professional medical advice that you should seek from your doctor. All the information presented in these videos is for educational purposes only.

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