Trinny Tries 5 Hacks For A Better Night’s Sleep | Health | Trinny

Trinny Tries 5 Hacks For A Better Night’s Sleep | Health | Trinny

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Struggling to catch your 40 winks? Trinny is asking good friend and Chinese medicine practitioner Katie Brindle for her top tips on getting a better night’s sleep. Some of them may surprise you…

0:00 Introduction to Chinese medicine
01:22 Caster oil compressing
03:42 Foot bathing
05:29 Singing the healing sounds
08:43 Foot massage with magnesium butter
09:44 Acupressure
12:15 Tapping
14:30 Qigong
17:07 Final round up

Hayo’u bian stone tool
Castorvida castor oil packs
Hayo’u mineral bath salts
Hayo’u sweet sleep magnesium butter
Hayo’u silicone body drummer

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