Why Integrative Oncology?

Why Integrative Oncology?

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Why Integrative Oncology? Part 1 – It’s The Science – How Do We Get Cancer?

Why integrative oncology? Because science says that it is more effective in treating cancer than conventional methods. People that are diagnosed with cancer get the same second opinion when they visit conventional places like Sloan Kettering, MD Anderson, and the Mayo Clinic.

That is not a true second opinion. When you go to a Toyota dealership, they are not going to show you a BMW or a Ford or GMC. You are going to shown Toyota’s. It is the same with second opinions in the conventional world. They all view cancer the same way. They want to go to war against it.

Dr. Thomas Lodi has put together under the true definition of integrative oncology the best of the best treatment protocols that help the body heal from cancer. He uses indigenous medical disciplines or healing disciplines that include Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Osteopathy.

He put all these healing modalities together as they have been proven to be highly effective. If you truly want a second opinion and you should as it is the most important decision in your life you need to do your due diligence. A person with cancer must visit a qualified medical professional who has experience in both the conventional world and the alternative cancer treatment world.

Dr. Lodi is going to cover the science of conventional medicine and the science of the non-conventional as it relates to treating cancer. So, why integrative oncology and not regular conventional oncology, it’s simple, it’s the science.

Globally, one out of six deaths is due to cancer. So, if you are talking about a pandemic, this is the real pandemic. Cardiovascular illness is now number two to cancer in deaths in the top 21 countries in the world. Cancer will continue to take over the number one position in most countries soon.

Here is some science for you regarding someone with Stage 4 cancer and who undergoes high-dose chemotherapy treatments. Their 5-year survival rate in Australia is 2.3% and in the United States, it is 2.1%. What this also means is that a person who had stage 4 cancer and underwent high-dose chemo treatments had a 97-98% chance of dying. Would you get on a plane that has a 97% chance of crashing?

Metastasis is responsible for 90% of all cancer deaths. This statistic has changed very little in the last 50 years. Metastasis means cancer originates in one place (brain, liver, breast, etc.) and travels to another part of the body. Chemotherapy enhances metastasis. More than 99% of a tumor is not capable of metastasizing.

Chemotherapy actively produces cancer progression. Cancers cells normally go through apoptosis which means they kill themselves. If that process of apoptosis is blocked that is when cancer grows.

Chemotherapy blocks apoptosis.

To summarize the detrimental effects of chemotherapy.

changes the tumor microenvironment – allows cancer to grow
promotes cancer cell escape – means it’s able to leave the primary tumor
promotes immune system escape
increases circulating tumor cells
promotes a favorable environment for metastasis

An important scientific study shows that chemotherapy alters the tumor microenvironment which can promote tumor cell survival and drug resistance. Chemotherapy shrinks the primary tumor, however, 6-9-12 months later, cancer has spread to multiple places in the body.

Chronic inflammation is the underlying physiological process in all chronic illnesses and specifically cancer. Sitting in the center of it all is something called NF-KB or Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta. Another big player is HIF-1 which stands for Hypoxia Inducible Factor -1. This is how we heal. Cancer has been called the wound that wouldn’t heal.

If HIF-1 is turned on all the time it is going to stimulate cancer growth. It turns on all the genes that are responsible for the hypoxic response which are oncogenes.

How do we get cancer? When the mitochondria, which take oxygen and glucose to make energy, are destroyed to some degree and they become dysfunctional. When you have enough mitochondria that become dysfunctional, they start to ferment in order to make energy.

Stay tuned for Why Integrative Oncology - Part 2.

Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology
51 Goldhill Plaza #07-10/11
Singapore 308900
+66 6 1251 9786



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