Treating Cancer With Integrative Oncology

Treating Cancer With Integrative Oncology

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Why Integrative Oncology? Part 2 – It’s The Science – Metabolic Therapy For Cancer?

Why integrative oncology? The whole field of integrative oncology is becoming “quasi” mainstream. The mainstream big cancer centers all have integrative oncology departments. However, they don’t practice the kind of integrative oncology that we do where we use metabolic therapy for cancer. They might have some acupuncture and some mindfulness exercises, but it doesn’t really go beyond that.

Therefore Dr. Thomas Lodi formed the Institute of Integrative Oncology (IIO) which is a Singapore-based certification company. Dr. Lodi and Dr. Nathan Goodyear have a program where they will be training physicians to certify them in integrative oncology using metabolic medicine and metabolic therapy for cancer.

We are going to discuss the way integrative oncology needs to be in today’s world for the benefit of humanity. There are three foundational elements to the program that we teach people and train doctors on, and they are as follows.
1. Stop making cancer – change the biochemistry of the person with cancer.
2. Target cancer without causing harm. This is where we use metabolic therapies to help eliminate cancer. These therapies target cancer but do no harm to the body.
3. Stimulate and enhance the immune system. We must wake up the immune system because cancer is extremely clever.

Metabolic therapies are what we use to target cancer without destroying the body or going to war against it. To name a few of these therapies, vitamin c, quercetin, curcumin, artesunate, B17, etc.

The reason these metabolic therapies work is because cancer cells, which were changed and are no longer normal cells, have different enzyme systems now and need to maintain the metabolic processes of fermentation.

What happens is now cancer cells no longer have certain enzymes and we are able to take advantage of that. As an example, healthy cells love vitamin c, cancer cells do not.

Next, we move to the immune system which has two jobs. It is the department of maintenance and the department of defense, and it only has a certain amount of energy.

So, if it is busy dealing with maintenance issues such as a bad diet and colon issues, then it has little to no time to spend on defense. When this happens, it opens the body up to negative health conditions that can arise.

Let’s put our focus now on how to stop making cancer. There are a number of things we do simultaneously to stop the production of cancer and it starts with cleansing the body. The waste in the body needs to be removed as well as the toxins. Cleansing the colon and the lymphatic system is a must.

Go to sleep early! This is probably the most important thing one can do for good health. If a person doesn’t get proper sleep, then they won’t be able to do so many of the other things that are needed for good health.

Meditation is key. We teach how to turn the mind off. This is not geared towards guided meditation. This does not apply to someone telling you to relax your body or imagine yourself somewhere else. This type of meditation revolves around “thinking” and thinking is uncontrollable. We teach how to turn the mind off and make it blank. When you do this, divinity shines through.

It’s important to read. Today, we are bombarded with “un-truths” daily. We need to read first thing in the morning after a good night’s rest and after meditation. The mind is then ready to receive and absorb useful information. Read books on healing, nutrition, and health.

People need to exercise and move their bodies around. We need to create a good sweat whether walking, jogging, etc. This helps the body naturally remove toxins.

Eat human food at healthy intervals. Stay away from processed food and junk food and eat whole foods. It is best to eat once a day, that is ideal. If you can’t do that or don’t want to, don’t eat for 20 hours, and eat within a 4-hour window.

Then there is periodic fasting which is not eating one full day out of the week. At every change of the season, don’t eat for 10 days and only drink water.

Finally, reconnect with nature. Nature is not a “thing” that is over there. It is all around but just hard to see sometimes, especially if you live in a city. We need to stay connected to it I order to achieve true health.

We hope you enjoyed this segment on Why Integrative Oncology – Part 2 – It’s The Science - Metabolic Therapy For Cancer.

And, in case you missed our first segment in this series, here is Why Integrative Oncology? Part 1 – It’s The Science – How Do We Get Cancer?

Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology
51 Goldhill Plaza #07-10/11
Singapore 308900
+66 6 1251 9786


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