Peptides And Cancer

Peptides And Cancer

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Peptides And Cancer | Part Two Presented By Integrative Oncology Expert Dr. Thomas Lodi

Peptides and cancer part two presented by integrative oncology expert Dr. Thomas Lodi. We started in Peptides and Cancer part one with what is the function of peptides? This is where Dr. Lodi walked through the function of peptides. Today we cover the specifics of the relationship between peptides and cancer.

Some of the more recent scientific discoveries are coming from nature. The “Death Stalker Scorpion” produces a Chlorotoxin which is a 36 amino acid peptide. The significance of this peptide is that it binds to cancer cells only and not to normal cells. This peptide has been used with people who have brain tumors.

As of 2018, there were 60 peptide drugs approved in the United States, Europe, and Japan. There are over 150 in active clinical development and 260 have been tested in human clinical trials.

Peptides are naturally occurring bio-regulatory chemicals that control hormones, cell to cell communication, and cell signaling. We define a peptide as being composed of less than 50 amino acids. The body produces 300,000 naturally occurring peptides and over 7,000 are in clinical use.

What are the therapeutic uses of peptides?

Increase growth hormone
Improve immune system
Balance sex hormones (menstruation, fertility)
Increase libido and sexual function
Slows down aging
Improves memory
Direct killing of cancer cells

Epithalamin is a peptide that contains 4 amino acids and it does amazing things. It is an antioxidant that also increases melatonin production. It also inhibits the formation and growth of cancer. It also elongates telomeres by 33% and combats the negative effects of stress.

Immunity is something that is essential in healing from cancer. Regarding cellular immunity, the TH1 cells or T-cell helper type 1 cells direct killer T-cells to attack microorganisms or abnormal cells at the sites of infection inside the cells.

Thymosin Alpha 1 is a peptide that helps stimulate the immune system, so it is always ready to do its job. This helps in cancer prevention and helps people heal from cancer. It also improves tissue repair and healing, microcirculation, and viral replication. It promotes a TH2 to TH1 shift which is what we want.

Opioid Growth Factor (OGF) Met5 or Metkephalin has been shown in studies to kill colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, neuroblastoma, renal cell cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, and ovarian cancers. PNC 27 is a very promising peptide for cancer because it binds to the HDM 2 protein that is expressed on the cell membranes of cancer cells only. Non-cancer cells do not produce this protein. Therefore, this peptide can’t hurt your healthy cells.

The PNC 27 has the potential to replace chemotherapy over time. It kills cancer cells through necrosis, not apoptosis. This means that it must be administered slowly. The timing sequence of this treatment needs to be figured out, which will be done and once it is, this will supplant chemotherapy.

We hope you enjoyed the second part of our peptides and cancer video series by integrative oncology expert, Dr. Thomas Lodi. Reach out to us with any questions, we’d be happy to help.

If you would like a consultation with Dr. Lodi, click on this link here for your options.

We also have our School of Health online video series course that provides all the basic, fundamental knowledge and tools to stop making cancer. You’ll learn that mental and emotional wellbeing is essential to healing, along with a natural diet and healthy eating practices, appropriate sleep, and regular, consistent body movement (kinesiology).' In this video series, you will discover the natural path back to your birthright – optimal health. Visit this link below for more details.


0:00 Intro
1:22 500 – 2,500 mitochondria in each cell
1:27 Mitochondria produce the ATP in each cell
2:00 Our skin is renewed every 6 weeks
2:06 The lining to our GI tract renews every 3 days
2:10 New livers every 6 months
2:23 What is health?
2:44 Healing is health
2:57 Energy is health energy is life

Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology
51 Goldhill Plaza #07-10/11
Singapore 308900
+66 6 1251 9786


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