Learn How To Heal From Cancer Dr. Thomas Lodi And The School Of Health Online Video Series

Learn How To Heal From Cancer Dr. Thomas Lodi And The School Of Health Online Video Series

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Learn How To Heal From Cancer | Dr. Thomas Lodi And The School Of Health Online Video Series https://drthomaslodi.com/school-of-health/

Learn how to heal from cancer from Dr. Thomas Lodi and his School of Health online video series. If you can get rid of cancer but the conditions still exist for why it developed, to begin with then cancer will still be produced. We must understand this.

Then, what do you need to do? You need to eliminate or greatly mitigate and lessen all the reasons and factors that contributed to cancer developing in your body. These elements are what contributed to mitochondrial destruction.

Once you are able to do this then we can start to clear out the cells that have already become cancerous. Next, we have you focus on changing your life with what you are eating, what you are exposed to, sleep and stress, etc. and we help you change all these things so that your body is no longer doing these adaptations which produce cancer.

This understanding of cancer is essential and the program we are presenting in the School of Health online video series is going to address all these issues. These videos will be presentations, PowerPoint, and other videos where we just talk. The intention of these videos is to clear away the confusion. It is to let you know that there is not only an alternative way, but it is actually the only way to be restored to health.

There will be several video lectures by Dr. Lodi including the nature of cancer and toxemia which is the root of all our conditions. Proper nutrition will also be discussed as well as cleansing, sleep, and stress.

Then, we introduce Darren Scherbain who has a degree in kinesiology and exercise science. Darren is a Kinesiologist and will be featured in this essential video as part of our School of Health online video series. Kinesiology is a branch of physiology that deals with muscles and movement. What Darren will do is help you approximate living a natural life.

Next up in our video series is Tenzin Josh. Tenzin is a mental wellbeing, meditation, and emotional counseling expert with over 35 years of experience. Tenzin is a western trained psychologist from England. He studied with and was a disciple of the Dalai Lama for 15 years and has been working with the Dalai Lama for 35 years. Combining western psychology with eastern spirituality Tenzin will be introducing ways in which you can learn to control your mind.

And lastly, Kim Paul, our health educator, and Raw Food Chef will cover a proper diet and nutrition. This module will go into the preparation of raw food and what the benefits are from eating a raw whole-food-based diet.

She will go into presentations on enzymes, fermented foods, and the importance of fiber and of course, juicing. She will also cover a set of instructions for a series of raw food recipes for your benefit.

It is important to understand that the body only recognizes raw food as fuel for the body. Any kind of processed food or junk food is not recognized by the body and is considered poison. We must fuel our bodies properly and Kim will show you exactly how to do this.

Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology


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