Integrative Oncology Combines The Best Of Western And Eastern Medicine

Integrative Oncology Combines The Best Of Western And Eastern Medicine

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What Is Integrative Oncology? | Integrative Cancer Treatment By Dr. Thomas Lodi

What is integrative oncology? Dr. Thomas Lodi will walk you through his integrative oncology definition. Let’s start with the word oncology. Oncology means the field of medicine that deals with people with cancer. The word integrative means bringing together different things.

So, integrative oncology means bringing together all the different healing modalities and there are many. Let’s start with the traditional healing modalities. There is Ayurvedic, Chinese medicine, Botanical medicine of Europe and the U.S., Native American medicine, and Homeopathic medicine.
Then we have more modern healing modalities like Chiropractic, Osteopathy, and then, of course, Allopathic medicine which is empty. Every one of these modalities has its place. The art and finesse is to find the best of all the modalities that we have mentioned and bring them together in an integrated approach.

Dr. Thomas Lodi’s integrative oncology approach uses herbs, acupuncture, different types of cleansing, different kinds of energy work, various intravenous therapies such as high dose vitamin c and other botanically derived substances. He also uses the mind-body-spirit connection as today, they try to separate them but in fact, they are all one. There is a lot involved with integrative oncology and we use the best of the best.

Dr. Lodi and his staff work with the whole person not a piece of the body. If singularity is the focus, then that is not integrative oncology. It’s about bringing it all together. If you are just using one or two or even three methods, then it doesn’t qualify as integrative oncology.

Our 8-hr School of Health online video series course provides all the basic, fundamental knowledge and tools to stop making cancer. You’ll learn that mental and emotional wellbeing are essential to healing, along with a natural diet and healthy eating practices, appropriate sleep, and regular, consistent body movement (kinesiology). In this video series, you will discover the natural path back to your birthright – optimal health.

Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology

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