Easy workouts postnatal, Incline Dumbbell Fly (Standing variation) is a good exercise to WORK the Upper body: underarm fat, upper back (bra bulge), shoulders, arms & chest. Challenge #4 Push Up alternative Exercise / Hate doing Pushups?
Work around it, you can do it with baby. In this mommy and me workout; babywearing challenge, we will tone and burn calories by doing isometric exercises. Incline Dumbbell Fly, how many can you do? How long can you do it for? Challenge yourself but don’t overdo it and strain yourself. Baby steps 😉
These baby-wearing cardio workouts will be on a playlist so you can easily find and choose the workouts you want to do.
You can also run the playlist for a full 40 minute workout.
/ Disclaimer: Consult your Doctor or Healthcare Practitioner before undergoing any new fitness program. This is especially important after you’ve had your baby. Be safe and have fun with me! \
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#babywearingworkout #inclinedumbbellflyexercise #hatedoingpushups #underarmfatworkoutforwomen #underarmfatloss #losearnmpitfat
#babywearingpostpartumworkout #babycarrierworkout #workoutafterpregnancy
#workoutafterhavingababy #postpartumweightloss #upperbodyworkoutforwomen
#postpartumhealthandfitness #pushupalternativeexercise
- hate doing push ups
- underarm fat workout for women
- underarm fat loss
- babywearing workout
- push up alternative exercise
- babywearing postpartum workout
- baby carrier workout
- workout after pregnancy
- upper body workout for women
- postpartum workout
- postpartum weight loss
- postpartum health
- postpartum health and fitness