Conquering Neuropathy - The Nerve Doctors

Conquering Neuropathy - The Nerve Doctors

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Are you suffering from burning, numbness, tingling, sharp shooting pain, maybe even a loss of balance?

Have you been told by your doctor that this condition, called peripheral neuropathy is permanent and you just have to learn to live with it…leaving you feeling hopeless?

I’m here to shed light on how inaccurate and OUTDATED that information is.

Hi, I’m Dr. Valerie Monteiro, DC, CCST, ACN - a leading expert in the field of Peripheral Neuropathy and Co-founder of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center where I’ve been successfully reversing peripheral neuropathy for well over 15 years. I, also wrote the critically acclaimed book: “Defeat Neuropathy Now…In Spite of Your Doctor".

So, let me share how I became a leading expert in Peripheral neuropathy. My journey began with my mother who developed a very severe case of neuropathy after undergoing chemotherapy.

rior to developing peripheral neuropathy, my mother was a vivacious woman, full of life and spirit*. But all that quickly changed when the constant agony set in from her symptoms.

I brought my mother to a leading neurologist who told her that Peripheral neuropathy is permanent and she’d just have to learn to live with it, but Hey! She should be happy because, after all, she’d survived the cancer.* He then sent her on her way with some gabapentin. Really?! Being left with no quality of life is something to celebrate? Not in my world.

So, there was no way I was about to sit back while my mother had no quality of life due to the neuropathy.

I knew there had to be a solution. Afterall, If doctors can reattach a severed limb and restore its functionality, Hell!…I knew there had to be a way to repair these damaged nerves.

That drove me to do extensive research…AND after literally months of digging through double-blind, peer-reviewed research journals…I found the solution*. I, then applied the protocol laid out in the research and successfully REVERSED my mother’s peripheral neuropathy.

She was able to ditch her cane…get back into her high heeled shoes… and dance again and…well, really just fully LIVE again!

So, if you’ve been told that you just have to learn to live with your neuropathy…I DON’T WANT YOU TO ACCEPT THAT!

0:00 Introduction to Conquering Neuropathy
0:44 Defeat Neuropathy Now In Spite of Your Doctor
0:56 My Mother's Neuropathy
1:51 Researching Neuropathy Solutions
2:27 Peripheral Neuropathy Can Be Reversed
3:00 Managing Neuropathy With Pharmaceuticals
3:50 How To Reverse Neuropathy
5:10 Your Nerves Are Not Dead
5:43 Drugs That Treat Neuropathy Pain, Can Make It Worse
6:10 You Don't Have To Have Diabetes To Develop Neuropathy
7:23 Neuropathy Can Be Reversed
8:08 Nutrients That Help Repair Peripheral Nerves
8:59 Creating A Nerve Repair Formula
10:00 You can get your life back!

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NUPHORIA cm Products:
Neuropathy Information:
About Dr. Monteiro & Dr. Coppola:

Dr. Coppola and Dr Monteiro also developed a neuropathy product line called NUPHORIA cm designed specifically to help their patients recover faster from neuropathy. Once available only to their patients within their clinic, NUHORIA cm is now available to the public at:

Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite of Your Doctor
Dr. Monteiro and Dr. Coppola are the co-authors of the book Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite of Your Doctor. This book gives the reader an “Eye-Opening” look into why medications and traditional therapies leave most neuropathy sufferers stuck in misery without hope. This book is a survival manual for anyone suffering with neuropathy. Get your copy today at:

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Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are both Doctors of Chiropractic. Dr. Coppola graduated in 1996 from Parker Chiropractic College and Dr. Monteiro graduated from National Chiropractic College in 1992. The use of “doctor” or “Dr.” solely refers to that degree.

This video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, diagnosis, treatment or recommendation from your treating physician. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Coppola or Dr. Monteiro and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#NervesCanHeal #NerveDoctors #Neuropathy

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