Can You Live A Clean Life In A Major City

Can You Live A Clean Life In A Major City

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How To Live Naturally In Urban Areas? | Dr. Thomas Lodi And The School of Health Online Video Series

How to live naturally in urban areas is presented by Dr. Thomas Lodi, an integrative oncology expert. He is also the creator of the School of Health online video series which is helping people restore their health from cancer.

How do we live a natural life in our urban centers and still live what is considered a normal life? The answer is you can’t 100%, however, you can do different things and modify your environment to approximate a natural life.

If you were living in nature, you would find out that when the sun goes down there is not much to do so you would go to sleep. You wouldn’t have to be told to go to bed early, you would do it on your own.

To take care of yourself during the day, you would be moving around picking things up and constantly in motion. You wouldn’t need to go spend an hour doing jumping jacks because in nature your life would be lived in a helpful moving manner.

Being in the serenity of nature turns on and stimulates our alpha waves. It keeps our stress from affecting us. Now, we are prepared to get stressed in nature. If we were to run into a tiger or bear in nature, we are going to be stressed and be able to deal with it. However, most of the time we are not going to be walking around in stress mode.

When living in nature you can pick your food, there is not a need to kill anything. Now, we can’t move into nature so to answer the question of how to live naturally in urban areas, we invite you to watch our School of Life online videos series.

Our 8-hr School of Health online video series course provides all the basic, fundamental knowledge and tools to stop making cancer and to live naturally in any area. You’ll learn that mental and emotional wellbeing is essential to healing, along with a natural diet and healthy eating practices, appropriate sleep, and regular, consistent body movement (kinesiology).' In this video series, you will discover the natural path back to your birthright – optimal health.

Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology

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