Dr. Axel Montagne is a chancellor's fellow and group leader at the UK Dementia Research Institute at the University of Edinburgh Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. His group aims to understand how, when, and where critical components of the blood-brain barrier become dysfunctional preceding dementia and in the earliest stages of age-related cognitive decline. With this knowledge, they hope to develop precise treatments targeting brain vasculature to protect brain function.
More importantly his work, and that of his colleagues, provide a critical lens through which to view the contributions of vascular dysfunction (or, conversely, vascular health – if we choose to preserve it) as a critical common thread in dementia and neurodegeneration.
Show notes and transcript: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/axel-montagne
Montagne lab website: https://montagnelab.com/
Axel Montagne - Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dRTfpRoAAAAJ
Twitter: @AxL_Montagne: https://twitter.com/AxL_Montagne
Email: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/newsletter
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/079-blood-brain-barrier-dysfunction-in-alzheimers-disease/id818198322
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SjuXQmHxQzJyPAXst9wQ9?si=299980a16bd541b2
RSS: https://podcast.foundmyfitness.com/rss.xml
00:03:23 - What dementias have in common
00:04:22 - The importance of preserving small blood vessels (in the brain)
00:05:17 - Changes in the blood-brain barrier in aging that cause "leaking"
00:06:50 - Predicting cognitive decline early with biomarkers – an opportunity for intervention?
00:08:11 - Why targeting amyloid isn’t enough
00:10:34 - The impact of the APOE4 genotype on brain vasculature
00:15:58 - The cause of white matter damage in the brain
00:25:26 - Why the loss of omega-3 transport affects pericytes
00:27:04 - The role of exercise in prevention of blood-brain barrier dysfunction
00:27:25 - Why high heart rates during exercise preserve brain function
00:28:28 - The role of exercise in preserving vision health
00:31:56 - Why leaky vessels damage myelin and the brain
00:37:10 - Can you have more than one type of dementia?
00:39:34 - Does the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier cause “type 3 diabetes"?
00:45:43 - Why omega-3 may prevent detachment of pericytes
01:06:14 - Why a hepatitis drug restored cognition in APOE4 mice
01:11:19 - Why blood-brain barrier disruption results in the accumulation of amyloid-beta
01:16:54 - Why lifetime hypertension increases dementia risk
01:28:53 - Effects of obesity on blood-brain barrier leakage
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