2nd Opinion For Cancer Diagnosis

2nd Opinion For Cancer Diagnosis

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Second Opinion For Cancer Diagnosis From An Integrative Oncologist

Second opinion for cancer diagnosis from an integrative oncologist. Dr. Thomas Lodi made this video to discuss second opinions when it comes to a cancer diagnosis as many people are confused about what this really means.

When people get a second opinion, they are really looking for another approach or perspective on what they have been told as a diagnosis. If a person goes to one of the big cancer centers such as MD Anderson and gets a specific diagnosis and a treatment plan and that person wants a second opinion, they could certainly go to Dana Farber or Sloane Kettering for that.

However, keep in mind that each of these large cancer centers are practicing from the same guidelines. They were all trained the same, they had to pass the same exams and they all have the same perspective. In comparison, it’s like going to two different BMW dealers with the possibility of buying a Mercedes or a Ford.

Dr. Lodi’s recommendation is if you indeed would like a second opinion of your diagnosis from a conventional perspective then by all means go to another well-known conventional authority. However, to get a second perspective or a different view of what cancer is then a person should seek out an integrative oncologist or an alternative physician.

These are the questions that can lead to a true second opinion for cancer diagnosis such as:

What is cancer?
How did cancer come about?
What are the necessary steps to eliminate cancer?
Is there anything I should do about changing my diet?

Most conventional institutions don’t think that diet is important. They tell people to eat what they can. They may mention nowadays to lower your intake of sweets or sugar but on the other hand in the chemo wards, there are bowls of candy and cake.

A person won’t get answers to the important questions above in the conventional world because they are not trained in that. The conventional model is more interested in combatting the tumor/tumors. They are aware that their therapies are dangerous, and they don’t offer anything in the way of how to change one’s body biochemistry so that it will no longer be a hospitable host to cancer.

The conventional model also ignores looking at how the body can be naturally stimulated so that the immune system is working at a top-notch level. A second opinion for cancer diagnosis means going to the Mercedes dealer, going to the Chevy dealer, and asking them.

Dr. Lodi’s recommendation is for a person to get two conventional opinions and then get two truly alternative opinions with an integrative cancer specialist. Make sure that the alternative opinions you are getting are from an integrative oncologist or alternative physician who has several years of experience and is quite knowledgeable and ask the appropriate questions that we have discussed.

You’ll find that most of these integrative oncologists are using similar interventional modalities to target cancer. These healing modalities are all biochemically sound and well documented in science. Examples are intravenous high dose vitamin C, ozone therapy, artesunate, B17, etc. These are all therapies that do no harm to the body. There is also IPT therapy which does minimal damage to the body and can be handled quite easily. There is no hair loss with IPT.

The other essential question to ask is how do I go about changing my lifestyle, so this doesn’t happen again. Also ask, what can you do to help me overcome my addictions to eating and what can you do to help me enhance my immune system? Questions that answer what you can do to help yourself and what the integrative oncologist can do to help you.
These would be the questions to ask a truly alternative physician, but it is essential that they are duly qualified and experienced.

You hoped you enjoyed this presentation from Dr. Lodi on what a true second opinion for cancer diagnosis should be. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have or schedule a consultation with Dr. Lodi to get your questions answered. We also have our School of Health online video course that provides all of the answers and much more! You can check it out here.


Dr. Thomas Lodi
Institute of Integrative Oncology

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