Hair Transplant Sydney | Paul's Progess 12 Weeks Time-Lapse

Hair Transplant Sydney | Paul's Progess 12 Weeks Time-Lapse

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Witness these unique images of actor Paul Gerrard’s transformation in the weeks after his hair transplant at Man Cave Sydney

It’s 12 weeks since popular actor presenter Paul Gerrard had his hair transplant procedure at Man Cave Sydney and he is already enjoying positive results.

When viewers first met Paul it was summer, he had a receding hairline and he was considering his hair loss treatment options.
It is now autumn, and as viewers can see, Paul is delighted he chose to treat his hair loss with permanent and natural hair transplantation.

Paul tells viewers that his post-transplant experience precisely reflects the path described by Dr Jennifer Martinick and Dr Sara Kotai during early consultations.

In the weeks immediately after the procedure, his newly transplanted hair fell away just as it was meant to do.

In these close-up camera shots we see that, as Paul’s new hair fell away, the new follicles became healthily embedded in his scalp.

In the initial days following his hair transplant Paul noticed his scalp felt tight when lying in bed at night.

But, within weeks, this sensation and initial redness disappeared.

The scar in the donor area was minimal and will further diminish as time goes on.

Paul says while he was completely comfortable during the procedure, he ‘felt a little groggy’ for a few days afterwards.

Although he didn’t return to his public roles straight away, he comfortably worked from home within a few days after his hair transplant.

In just 17 days he was back in the studio recording a television programme.

He needed makeup, but, even under the glare of bright studio lights, there is no evidence of his recent procedure.

Extremely satisfied with the early signs of his transformation, Paul invites viewers to observe a succession of images documenting the daily growth of his hair.

“I will use the next 12 weeks to take a photo every day so that you can see the very gradual progression of my hair growing and thickening,” Paul says.

Already looking remarkable, Paul can’t wait to film again in six and 12 months to show his regrown hair.

Just as the captured images portray, the process of regrowing and thickening your transplanted hair is progressive.

While the imagery shows impressive results, viewers are reminded that the full growth and thickening of transplanted hair becomes evident after 18 months.

Providing hair loss treatment in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, a consultation with our professionals can be booked on 1800 689 939.


Martinick Hair Restoration is at the forefront of hair loss and hair restoration research and education, employing the state of the art Martinick Technique ™.

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