Why Do Your Feet Swell When You Have Diabetes | Diabetes Peripheral Neuropathy | Mastering Diabetes

Why Do Your Feet Swell When You Have Diabetes | Diabetes Peripheral Neuropathy | Mastering Diabetes

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Swollen legs and feet? Swollen ankles? Diabetic foot complications? Why do your feet swell when you have diabetes? What does diabetic peripheral neuropathy feel like? Can diabetic peripheral neuropathy be cured? Dr. Shawn M. Cazzell of Valley Diabetic Foot Center has the answers.

Everyone agrees this is not a sexy topic to discuss but it's something that needs to be brought to the forefront. Because most people living with diabetes or high blood glucose have no idea that their feet are actually a very important part of the whole dilemma. Their feet are actually at risk for peripheral neuropathy.

There are 34 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the United States right now. Roughly 90 to 95% are type 2 diabetes. Out of that 90-95%, 70% of the individuals with diabetes are going to go on to develop diabetic peripheral neuropathy with abnormal sensation to their feet.

Now that is a serious proportion so here's what you need to know:

- Why do people with diabetes are at risk for circulatory issues or nerve damage in their feet? What is the actual problem?

- How would somebody know if they're either at risk for diabetic peripheral neuropathy or if they're already experiencing it?

- Over what period of time according to Dr. Shawn's research, would you expect that you could start to feel the symptoms of having a neuropathic foot?

- Does diabetic peripheral neuropathy apply to all forms of diabetes? Is it applicable to people with type one, pre-diabetes, type two diabetes, or even gestational diabetes?

- The proportion of people who are diagnosed with type two diabetes that is actually affected by peripheral neuropathy

- How doctors are managing their patients' peripheral diabetic neuropathy

- The unmet need in the medical community that needs to be addressed

Dr. Shawn M. Cazzell is a podiatrist and a fellowship-trained diabetic foot salvage surgeon. He's a global key opinion leader on the diabetic lower limb and he's an advanced wound healing and tissue repair specialist. He's the founder of LPP, clinical research, and a national and principal investigator on over 60 clinical research trials that are dedicated to diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, and soft tissue infections of the foot.

Dr. Cazzell is a published author and international speaker. He served on medical advisory boards. He's heavily involved in the development of study and protocol designs and he is an advocate for diabetic foot education. He recently completed a multi-year diabetic foot research sabbatical in which he studied current best practice wound and Amputation Prevention Strategies on the at-risk diabetic and advanced aged foot.



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Cyrus Khambatta, PhD
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