Self-care treatment guidelines for COVID 19 (Coronavirus) positive patients at Home Isolation

Self-care treatment guidelines for COVID 19 (Coronavirus) positive patients at Home Isolation

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Coronavirus - How to treat COVID-19 at home isolation | Self Care Treatment Guidelines

People with symptoms like fever (a temperature above 100 °F), dry and continuous coughing, change or loss of smell and taste senses should self-isolate on immediate note and seek a medical support on priority to stop the spread of the virus. If experiencing any of the above symptoms visit nearby testing centre for COVID testing and share the reports while booking online video appointment to start the medical treatment.

During COVID-19 infection period it’s not easy to perform the continuous cycle of work, get a regular sleep and other task. Taking care of yourself is crucial for your recovery and following steps will help you to get a complete cure and get rid of the contagious virus; during this you should:

✅ It's important for your body to have plenty of fluids each day.
✅ Dehydration can make symptoms worse and cause other health problems.
✅ Drinking plenty of fluids that will make you hydrated. Watch your urine color, pale yellow urine means you are more hydrated.
✅ Avoid consuming alcohol, this can weaken your immune system, lead to liver damage, may trigger emotional or past traumatic experiences, increases depression and anxiety simultaneously will make you more dehydrated.
✅ Get a good rest and self-isolate yourself at home. Proper rest is important for boosting the body's immune system and allowing it to fight with virus.
✅ Avoid any vigorous activities like aerobics, running, jogging etc.
Follow the treatment as advised, if having any emergency signs or symptoms get worse call for help.
✅ Strictly follow home quarantine, do not go outside for public place or work. Get other helps to bring the required items and your supplies.
✅ Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow or if using tissue, throw the tissue away and then wash hands right away. It’s important to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
✅ Stay in a room that is not connected and having any access to others and use a separate bathroom from other people in the home.
✅ Use separate utensils and do not share these with other household members. After use, thoroughly wash them using soap and hot water.
✅ Do not allow visitors, friends or other members into your place. It's advised to wear a medical grade face mask, if they must be around other people.

Pace Hospitals
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
T: 04048486868

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