Guidelines For Social Media Videos

Guidelines For Social Media Videos

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Making Video Content For Social Media | Studio Nine 13 (407) 986-0913

Studio Nine 13 has perfected making video content for social media. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words well if that is the case then a video has to be considered priceless.

The number of videos produced daily on Instagram in the last 5 years has quadrupled. YouTube has users watch over a billion hours of video content daily. It is not a surprise that 87% of online marketers are investing time and money into video content based on these stats.

So, how is a top-notch social video created? We’ll share some of our best tips with you here.

Tip #1 –

Choose your platform or platforms wisely for your intended target audience.

There are many video platforms to choose from including Youtube and TikTok. Tailor your video accordingly, just as you would with any other content you produce.

Step number one in creating an engaging social video is knowing where you are going to post it. Facebook has a wider user base, attracting many age groups, genders, and income levels. Other platforms have a narrower demographic.

For example, Pinterest has a 25- to 44-year-old demographic, while conversely, Snapchat attracts teens and young adults almost exclusively. Before even picking up a camera, there are two questions you need to ask yourself.

Who are you trying to reach? Why are you trying to reach them? If your goal is to educate your audience, then post your video on LinkedIn. If entertaining is the end goal, then YouTube might be a better bet.

Tip #2 –

Be aware of time.

The average attention span is only 8 seconds long! Engaging your viewers from start to finish is hard, but not impossible. Short and sweet is best. Your goal should be sixty seconds in duration.

Five percent of people stop watching a video after 60 seconds, however, after two minutes, sixty percent will stop watching. Shorter videos are easier to finish and also take up less data which makes them ideal for mobile viewers.

If you do decide to go longer in duration, your content must be top-notch. Brands like Airbnb and Hyundai are known for their long-form videos. They have lots of great examples to learn from.

Tip #3 –

Quality content is king!

This can’t be overlooked! Your content must be worth it. You need to provide real value. Website pages that offer a value proposition have better engagement and for much longer. This holds true for social video.

As entertaining as cats on Roombas are, top-performing content on YouTube is useful in some way. Videos that solve real problems are the ones that not only keep the viewers engaged but they are shared and sometimes go viral because of the value presented.

Now, if all this seems overwhelming not to worry Studio Nine 13 can take this burden off your hands. This is where we excel. We hope you found value here in making video content for social media. For more information, please visit our website or email us at [email protected].

Studio Nine 13
6900 Tavistock Lakes Blvd Ste 400
Orlando, FL 32827

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