Natural Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis That Work

Natural Remedies For Rheumatoid Arthritis That Work

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Publish Date:
6 April, 2023
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Your body attacks the lining of joints. Over time, this can cause the cushion around these joints to break down. Rheumatoid-arthritis causes erosions, it destroys those joints. This can lead to loss of independence because you can’t do things like bathing, dressing and feeding yourself.

rheumatoid arthritis can affect any joint in your body. However, it most commonly affects small joints, like those in your hands and feet. Still, rheumatoid arthritis is considered a systemic-illness, meaning your whole body feels its impact.

Other common signs and symptoms include muscle-stiffness in the morning, swollen joints that are hot to the touch, fatigue and pain that’s symmetrical — meaning it emerges in both of your hands or both of your feet.

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